Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Cheap Way to Generate Good Leads Quickly

Recently an adviser by the name of Chris sent me an e-mail asking me why I don't focus on more practical methods of prospecting. He went on to state" if I had money for a radio show I would not need your help." I got to admit he was dead on. Those of us on the marketing side of the business have degraded to the point where we are just as out of touch as the home office. Open up any trade journal that focuses on the insurance market and one is sure to find page after page of marketing companies stating they have the secret system for making millions in insurance. All you have to do is give them a couple thousand dollars and the marketing company will let you in on the secret. The word snake oil comes to mind.

Here is an effective post card system that will generate quality leads and won't cost half as much as most lead systems out there.

The first step is get a list of business owners from your cities county records. This is free information that is available to anyone. This is where list brokers get their information and try to sell it to you. Scan the records for female names. A lot of businesses are owned by woman or at least a husband wife team. You want to send your mail to the woman. Most financial institutions market to men. This is a big mistake.

Step two send 1,000 post cards out to the business owners on your list. The post cards are going to be in black and white and sent out via standard mail. There are a lot of companies that will print and mail out the cards for you for a price point of .40 cents each. This means your total net cost is $400. Make sure the content is emotional. Let me give you an example. This post card can save your business.

If the key woman of this business dies so does the business and the family that built it. Call now for your free quote. You must have key woman insurance to cover all debts incurred by the company. A simple 2 minute phone call can save your loved ones hours of pain. Use news paper font. Make it as emotional as possible. Your goal is to get the reader to think about key woman insurance and that's it.

If only 5 percent of the business owners you mailed out to call you this works out to 50 qualified leads. That works out to 50 appointments with business owners that need key woman insurance. Now a more realistic rate of return is 3 percent. A dismal 3 percent rate of return will yield 30 qualified leads. Out of 30 qualified leads you should be able to close five deals. Remember key woman and key man insurance policies tend to have higher face values than traditional policies. Your commissions on 5 U.R.L policies with a face amount of three hundred thousand should should cover the 400 dollars spent to generate these leads.

So there you go an effective method for generating qualified leads that does not revolve around being a guest on the today show or having your own radio show.

Thank you Chris for bringing me back to reality.

Mike Dowdy has been responsible for a number of enterprise-wide online marketing programs for companies like,, Matrix Direct and many other internet and direct marketing based companies. His Methods include search engine marketing,blogging in addition to campaign work in online advertising and advising on e-mail marketing.He teaches agents how to generate leads so they can live the life of their dreams. Down load your free report that reveals the secrets to lead generation that the other guys charge hundreds for at

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