Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get Affordable Auto Insurance For Teenagers

As per reports of the national safety council, young drivers as a group commit the majority of accidents compared to the number of accidents committed by other groups. Moreover, most of the violations related to driving under the influence have been committed by drivers of less than 25 years. These reports coupled with their lack of experience, higher rate of accidents & tickets, incidents of reckless & drunk driving, etc. have already branded them as high risk drivers. Naturally, insurers are cautious of dealing with applications of such teenagers and charge higher premiums compared to other drivers.

A common question asked by most of the people looking for coverage for teens is that when they have already been branded as high risk drivers. "What is the use of searching for low cost coverage?" However, the fact is that there are certain conditions in which one can find reasonably priced coverage, even for inexperienced motorists. Also, with enhanced competition amongst insurers and with some guided approach, the amount of premium for coverage plans can be reduced significantly for example if young motorists are able to maintain good driving records, they have good chance of paying a reduced amount of premium at time of renewal. Therefore it is always important to obey traffic laws and practice safe driving.

Some of the following items can help save on policies:

� Multiple Quotes: Comparison of multiple quotes offers the potential of saving on the cost.
� Driver course: Many insurers offer discounts to motorists who have passed a recognized driving course.
� Grades: A good student discount can save up to 20% on premiums.
� Higher Deductibles: The higher the deductible, the lower the premium and vice versa.
� Anti-theft and safety devices: Insurers offer savings to people who have installed safety and anti-theft devices in their vehicles, which reduce the possibility of theft, collisions and injuries.

All of these items can help lower insuring costs substantially. When comparing providers it is absolutely vital to inquire about all the discounts that are offered. If eligible for a combination of these, one can find their self insured at a great price.

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