Friday, April 3, 2009

A Great Way to Save on Homeowner and Renters Insurance

It seems that the more money in insurance dues we pay out, the more "they" get the last laugh. If in fact we find ourselves filing a claim, now we have the sweat on our brow worrying whether or not our trusting insurance company will continue to insure our home. Its almost a double edged sword. Not much we can do about the corporate decisions of insurance companies that happily accept our thousands of dollars a year in dues, but what we can do is take advantage of little things that may reduce the overall premiums we pay yearly.

After doing some online research, I presumably came to the conclusion that if some "additions" were added to our home, perhaps in turn, our premiums would decrease. Well, after taking appropriate steps, and installing some "additions" of the home security nature, my fiance and I spoke with our insurer, told them of our "additions" and... Voila! A break in our yearly premium! Needless to say, I was elated! The items purchased to secure our home, give us a better nights sleep, and reduce our yearly, will be paid off in no time considering the monies saved from our previous home insurance premium. Bottom line, free! Well not exactly, but you see what I'm getting at. After all was said and done, we felt secure, we were saving, and maybe, just maybe, I'll surprise my fiance with a little "getaway" by parlaying that extra savings that we made happen, just by doing a little research, developing a plan, and setting the plan in motion.

I implore you, the reader, to take initiative. Whether it be to save on your home or renters insurance, to stop eating fast food, to walk that extra half mile, whatever it may be. Find a way to capitalize on something positive. Your health, love life, career, anything. You can do it. We did. We're not basking in our complacency either, its on to the next challenge. How can we better our future? How can you better yours?

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