Friday, July 3, 2009

Calculating the Disability Insurance Cost

So you're out there to get disability insurance but you have no idea how much these plans normally cost. You can canvas through the insurance companies and compare which plans provide you with the best rate that go with your lifestyle and budget.

Normally, disability insurance cost is 1 to 3 percent of your annual salary. This is for a good disability plan. That means if you are earning $60,000 in a year, your disability insurance cost is $600 to $1800. If you think about it, it is a good price to pay for assurance that you can expect money in a period of your life when you are unable to work.

At least by paying the insurance cost, you can get the money that you need at the time when you need it the most.

It provides income that will help you pay off your living expenses if you cannot work for a significant length of time due to illness or injury. The benefit payments can amount to 60 percent of your total salary.

That is why most employees stay with corporations that offer this benefit. One does not know what the future has in store. Like what they say, it's better to have it and not need it that need it and not have it. Because of this more and more employees are investing in it.

But the cost also has policies regarding the waiting period of when this will take effect. The pay benefits also depend on the longevity of the plan. This is for the short-term disability insurance cost.

As for the long term disability insurance cost, the waiting period is longer. It can even last for months. As for the benefits, it could be paid in a couple of years or for the rest of the borrower's life. The waiting period and the payment period really depend on the plan and as stated in the policy terms.

These also depend on the state. Different states have different policies and terms regarding the disability insurance cost, waiting period, and payment period. For examples, New York, New Jersey,, Hawaii, and Rhode Island require their employers to give them disability benefits of 26 weeks maximum.

Some employers give their employees short term disability insurance even when the employees have paid the premiums.

But just like any bargain, there is a catch to disability insurance cost. The premiums are lower for plans that have longer waiting periods. If the employee can wait, then he can opt for these plans. He just has to make sure that nothing happens to his health before the plan takes effect.

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