Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Green Packing and Online Travel Insurance

The wise eco-traveller knows that there is only one tourist destination and preserving it for future generations is pertinent. As a world trekker, it is our responsibility to prevent or minimise the negative effects we make on the wherever place we visit here on Earth. Going around places takes more than just taking chances of budget airline sales and economical online travel insurance.

Below are some tips on how to make your trip more earth-friendly and meaningful. Your travel insurance Australia agent will definitely approve these guidelines and will be proud of you.

Be prepared to accept the different cultures along your routes. Study their customs and you'll probably understand that they're more sensible than you think. One way to do this is to make your trip a cultural immersion rather than a simple photo-op affair.

Try to read about the places you're going to visit. There are many guidebook and travel tips that can be found in many bookshops and on the internet. Browsing through these materials also helps you plan a much more specific itinerary and lessens unexpected costs.

In researching about the places to visit, be aware of the local history. A friend once told me that this is important to keep you from committing political faux pas and save your embassy from a lot of unnecessary work. Learn to say common words such as simple greetings, please and thank you.

Choose a travel agency known to conduct ecologically sound travel practices. More countries and local communities are already adopting greener practices and finding an eco-friendly partner should be easy. Such groups often hand out a short list of pro-environment tips. Often, they would ask for a small donation to augment their often short-funded programs. Don't splurge on that online travel insurance, save some for a good cause.

Be aware of the recycling programs of these destinations.

Don't carry too much personal stuff; some studies suggest that air, land, or sea vehicles expend less fuel when travelling light. Forget the eco-unfriendly materials such as plastics and PVC. Leave the inner packages if you have them. There are chic baggage and luggage that are made of organic materials such as hemp and leather.

Bring a reusable bottle you can fill up in restaurants, airports, and in your hotel room. Remember that the production, shipment, and disposal of even recyclable PET bottles take a long time and are costly. Besides, there is really no assurance you're getting clean water when you purchase a locally bottled one.

Stay in ecologically sound boutique hotels. There are many such inexpensive inns that can offer more pampering than those five- to three-star rated pricey ones. These places often offer hybrid and bike rental options so you can go on more personal short adventures.

Some journeys are best enjoyed when travelling via the local public transports. These may sometimes be demanding on some itinerants, but the important thing to do when pursuing such methods is not travel in a hurry. Meaning, slow down and don't rush from one site to another. Enjoy the peculiarity of experiences in connecting with the people and places you're visiting.

Rather thinking about safety and calling your travel insurance Australia agent first, try becoming an eco-friendly trekker and know the ways of doing your part preserving Earth for future generations.

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