Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About

In a perfect world everything runs smoothly from day to day, there are no accidents, disappointments or things to worry about beyond deciding what color sock you'll wear with your shirt tomorrow. Unfortunately this perfect world only exists in places like the Wiggles show, on a cruise or at an all-inclusive resort, providing the weather is good.

Switching back to where most of us spend our time in the real world, things are not all bad and most of the time life is okay but accidents do happen, disappointments arise to show their ugly head and worry tends to extend beyond the perfect world of TV.

That's why people invented things like cat pet insurance. It's for happy cat owners who would like to remain happy cat owners. If you're not a cat owner then there is no reason to read any further unless you know a cat owner and you're reading this for them. In any case, let's proceed.

Besides getting the basic coverage for accidents and visits to the vet, there are other types of coverage you may not have considered that may be important to you.

Here is a list of a few lesser known pet insurance features and types of coverage that you may like to consider asking about for your policy. We're not recommending you get all of these features. Instead select the coverage and features that will benefit you the most and fits best with your particular needs.

Little Known Types of Pet Insurance Coverage and Features.

Animal Bites.

Getting bitten is not on the top of my list and I'm sure it's not on the top of your Cat's list either. But if you have one or more outdoor cats there is the risk of them being attacked by another animal. Indoor Cats are at a much lower risk, unless you also own a nasty gerbil or two.

Seriously, residential areas offer less of a danger from wild animals but if you live in a highly wooded or desert area you may want to consider the everyday dangers your cats have to deal with when stepping out the door.

If you feel the risk is significant for your cat, look for coverage of bite wounds, lacerations and the like. Treatment can run into hundreds if not thousands of dollars so ensuring you have the coverage for this type of incident is a smart move.

Car Accidents.

We know your Cat doesn't drive, but if they are injured in a car accident are they properly covered for treatment? If your Cat frequently travels in the car with you check with your Car insurance to see if they offer any special riders for pets. Even if your Cat doesn't get into the car with you very often it's something worth taking the time to look into just to be on the safe side.

Does your policy have a wellness plan?

A wellness plan is an essential part of any pet insurance policy. It's designed to cover things like physical exams, vaccinations and other regular check-ups. Older pets can be excluded for pre-existing conditions. Getting a policy for your pet when they are young will lessen the chance of any health problems being excluded.

Get coverage the day you buy it.

Some pet insurance companies will make you wait up to 30 days before certain aspects of you policy are covered. Try to get a pet insurance policy that begins the same day you buy it and has no needless delays associated with it.

Is your Cat covered when their away from Home?

If you take you cat with you when you go places make sure your policy covers them when they are away from their home. If your cat normally stays home when you go out then it's nothing to worry about although keep in mind that some insurance companies will slip in an exclusion that will not provide benefits for your cat when they are physically away from the premises.

Cancellation penalties.

If you decide to cancel your policy for what ever reason, there should be no penalties at all to worry about. In fact it would be a good idea to make sure the pet insurance company you're planning to use doesn't have something as ridiculous as a cancellation penalty.

While you're at it see if they offer the ability to put your policy on hold for a certain period of time as well as reduce or increase the coverage or make any other changes with a simple phone call.

Find out if any breed-specific illnesses are covered for your Cat.

If the breed of your Cat has hereditary, pre-existing or breed-specific conditions they may not be covered and this may be the coverage you need the most. Check with the pet insurance company to see if they offer coverage and what percentage they will cover. Also check if treatments as well as prescriptions are included in the coverage.

Ask about any limits on coverage.

Some policies will place a cap or maximum amount on certain items that are covered in the policy. These caps can be for each treatment, for a health issue or for a maximum amount for the year. It's worth asking about any maximums in advance so you know you'll have the coverage when you need it. Otherwise you may find yourself paying for something you thought was covered.

Can you use your own Vet.

Some pet insurance companies have a specific list of Vets throughout the country that you can use. Other companies will let you choose the Vet you would like to use. Check to make sure your Vet is supported by the policy you're interested in. If not then ask if you can use your Vet. If the answer is no and you don't want to switch to one of the insurance companies Vets then find another policy that will let you use the Vet you want.

In Closing.

This list should give you some new ideas to add to whatever 'must have' list you've got going before setting out to find the optimum pet insurance policy for your cat. While you're hunting around, take some time and review each policy very carefully.

Finding a policy with the features you want at a price you can afford will make you and your cat very happy.

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