The accident was a tragedy that is hard to avoid. Order and prudence that we've done does not guarantee that the pet is free from crash car.
When cars were on the highway, there are many factors that influence each other, for example: poor road conditions, driver behavior, weather factors and others.
One of the efforts that are offered to protect favorite car is the "insurance", because the purpose of insurance is basically to reduce the uncertainty of the possibility of unexpected losses.
In general, insurance is defined as an agreement where a person makes a bond with an insured to receive a premium to provide reimbursement to him for any loss, damage, or loss which may be experienced due to unforeseen events.
Humans in general does have an instinct for always trying to save his soul from various threats. One of history on this issue contained in the Qur'an Surat Yusuf verse 43-49 and the Bible Old Testament Genesis 41:
It is related of one of the king in the land of Egypt, who had a dream saw seven cows are emaciated each swallowed a cow fat. In the second dream the King saw an empty seven-grain wheat. Joseph U. S. asked to interpret the dream and explained that the state of Egypt will experience seven consecutive years of fertile wheat crop and then the next seven years in a row will have the lean times. For that NabiYusuf U. S. have advice to give, so when the harvest is abundant, most harvest is reserved for the lean times to come.
An ancient book from India called the "Rig Veda" written in Sanskrit, also cited a history of "Yoga Kshema", which means the coverage.
In addition, circa 2250 BC, there is a habit of living in the Babylonian Euphrates and Tigris river valley (now Iraq), which is almost equal to the insurance practice at the time there was a ship owner sekarang.Jika need funding to operate a boat or do a trading business, he can borrow money from a merchant (Creditors).
As a guarantee, vessel owners would pledge his ship with the addition of the cost of risk borne by the owners of capital, with an agreement that is: Boat owners will be exempted from payment of debts if the vessel safely to destination. These additional costs can be considered the same as "premiums" are known in the insurance now.
Likewise, when the Chinese to form new colonies, they often send a cargo ship full of supplies across the Atlantic. Cargo ship is usually owned by a group of investors. Owner of the cargo ship is often lost due to sinking ships or piracy. To protect the ship and cargo is, investors took a guarantee from one particular company. Now the way is known as marine insurance, this type of policy is still an effective way to protect ships and cargo they carry.
Car insurance is actually the other models of marine insurance. Car insurance was developed after the policy makers decided that the operation of publicly owned motor vehicle is a privilege. With this policy, the automobile and motorcycle riders are required to buy insurance to protect innocent third parties against injury or damage suffered.
The first automobile insurance policy issued, written by a British company in 1895. While in the United States in 1898 and was written for Dr. Truman J. Martin. Car insurance shall be applied for the first time in Massachusetts in 1927, although some of the previous decade has been running the car insurance. In fact, if traced back even further, the insurance policy had been there a hundred years before the introduction of motorized vehicles in the United States in 1908.
Currently, in every state in the United States auto insurance is an obligation that must be met by the vehicle owner. Although auto insurance liability from one State and another State is different, but stick with one goal which is to protect innocent victims from harm. Unfortunately, not all vehicle owners obey the law of that State.
There is a perception that is not true, who think that car insurance is one form of waste. In fact, the insurance vehicle owners can save a lot of costs when involved in a car accident. In many countries, automobile insurance policies for all types of car and driver, to protect from physical damage caused by your vehicle and other vehicles you might come into contact with your vehicle.
Car insurance also offer liability protection. That is, if you have an accident and cause someone else hurt, your car insurance policy will cover some of the costs of their treatment. Liability car insurance can also provide protection against damage to property owned by you or others who are victims of insurancecar-world explanation, hope useful for all of us.
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