Monday, May 25, 2009

Insuring Your Fish and Chip Shop

During the 1980's, the insurance industry developed packages specifically for fish and chip shop owners. Given that many retailers were interested in purchasing the most dollar-conscious policies, there became known something called the "bundle" policy. This type of insurance policy puts a number of types of coverage together specific to the takeaway fish and chip shop industry.

The product available is far more attractive to the purchaser and sold at a much more competitive rate. Regardless, the most important factor to consider is that given the inherent potential risk to goods and property on the site of a fish and chip shop, some insurers will only offer limited coverage. The following will therefore provide a breakdown of this particular type of insurance and where one may purchase same.

Specific to a policy for a fish and chip shop is coverage for damages to store materials and property. This damage can come in the form of theft, fire, loss or other accidental damage. The most important item to make sure has substantial coverage attached to it is the deep fast frying fish range. Since fires are most common around these ranges, a significant portion of the policy will focus in on the potential risks of this mechanism. And dependent upon the street value of the frying range, the cost of the policy can swing dramatically higher or lower depending.

Further, your Fish and Chip Shop insurance should include the following specifications:

Coverage for all the contents and stock against potential fire, storm and flood damage;

Coverage should the proprietor experience any sort of business interruption, such as would occur following a valid claim against the policy. One would want to be sure business was not interrupted during this period of time;

Coverage towards any records that could conceivably be lost due to any potential fire, flood or other disaster. The policy should adequately cover for money that is owed you. These records clearly could not be accessed because of this damage.

Coverage against profit loss after the potential loss of an alcohol license for uncontrolled reasons.

Coverage for any damage or injury to the public while on the premises.

After all research has been accomplished as to which insurance policy to purchase, the most important factor is to be assured that the type of policy purchased is one specific to the fish and chip retailer. Although this seems to be an obvious point, it bears repeating. Fish and Chip Shop insurance is a specific package. Standard retail business insurance will simply not suffice. Given the built-in risks to customers and employees both, you will need to be sure to protect everyone and everything on the premises. This will aid in fostering a healthy enterprise for many years to come.

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