Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Homeowners Insurance

If in the near future you are intending to buy a home, then it is essential for you to know everything about homeowners insurance. A good home insurance policy would not only help you to save your hard earned money, but would also give you a complete peace of mind. There are numerous of things that have to be considered while buying a home insurance. Let's take into account a few important ones.

� Know your home inside out- To get the right home-insurance premium quotation, inspect your home carefully to ascertain the construction material used, age of electrical and plumbing fittings, and so on. If you have a wooden home in a wildfire prone area or if you have a masonry home in an earthquake prone area, then you would have to pay higher premiums.
� Familiarize yourself with the neighborhood- You can claim discounts, if the fire station is near your home or if the emergency vehicles are able to reach your home within a few minutes. Hence, take a look at your neighborhood.
� Take into account the geography- The cost of homeowners insurance also depends upon the geographical location for your home. If your home is located in areas that are prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or wildfires, the annual premiums automatically increase.
� Install various safety and security gadgets- By installing security gadgets like burglar alarm that is connected to the local police station, and smoke alarms, you can drastically reduce your home insurance premiums.
� Plan for the future- If you intend to expand your home, then before selecting the homeowners insurance, plan for the future. Certain things like wooded frames, swimming pools, trampolines, and so forth can increase your home insurance costs by 10% to 15%.
� Regularly maintain your home- Keep your homeowners insurance for major disasters only. Deal with minor problems on your own. Repairs, replacements and plumbing needs are easy to handle; so, do them on your own. In this way, you would neither jeopardize your insurability nor would you end up paying higher premiums.
� Compare, contrast, look for discounts and shop around- There are lots of options available. To select the best one, conduct in-depth research. Take the help of internet or ask your kith and kin for recommendations. Check the license, credibility, financial ratings, customer service index and complaint records of the insurance company before going for it. Often, insurance companies give about 10% discount to those people who maintain several policies with the same company. Give this option a serious thought and save money.
� About deductibles and replacement cost coverage- Deductible is the amount of money that you need to shell out at the time of any mishap. A high deductible will significantly lower your annual premiums. With time, the value of your home will appreciate significantly and so will the construction costs. Hence, replacement cost coverage is essential. It's an additional coverage that the home insurance company provides besides the insured amount. With this coverage, you can easily re-build your home without worrying about the increased construction costs.
� Keep your records up-to-date- Always be ready to tackle the worst scenario. For this, keep all your home insurance records up-to-date. If you have recently got your home renovated or made any structural changes in it, note down, in detail, the amount of money spend. Also put together the pictures or the video clippings of the changes. Lastly, keep all these record outside your home.

Homeowners insurance has become a necessity because many mortgage companies ask for it before sanctioning you a loan. The above wholesome tips will certainly help you to buy a superlative home insurance policy. Once you get that, you have nothing else to do than to sit back and relax as your dream home is fully insured.

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